Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




A Comparative Study of Select Demographic Variables and Job Satisfaction of NCR Hotels Employees

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems

Volume 15 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Anil Lakhera, Yashpal Singh Negi, Mohinder Chand | Author(s) Affiliation: Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
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In today’s era of global competition an essential feature to meet the organizational objectives is employee job satisfaction. Hotel industry, being a service industry is highly influenced by its employees’ perceptions towards their job satisfaction. Being a people’s industry an employee plays a pivotal role in providing highest class of services to the guests. The significance of employee job satisfaction in hotel industry is also observed in terms of guest satisfaction and the overall performance of the organization. Considering these aspects the present study aims to identify the set of job satisfaction parameters most significantly used in hotel industry and also to identify the influence of selected demographic variables on the job satisfaction parameters with special reference to 5 star hotels located in NCR. A self administered research instrument was developed to collect the primary data from the employees of the 5 star hotels located in NCR to know their perception, convenience sampling method was used to collect the primary data from 25 hotels, 20 questionnaire to each hotel to know the perception of 10 managerial and 10 non-managerial employees, in total to collect a pool of 500 responses. After collecting the responses, the questionnaire having error or missing values was discarded and out of 500 responses, 400 were found statistically suitable for the present study. For data analysis SPSS-2020 package was employed. Furthermore, the data were analysed by employing Factor Analysis, t-test and ANOVA statistical tools. The results of the study indicated that there is a set of job satisfaction parameters most significantly used in hotel industry and there is a minimal impact of demographic variables on job satisfaction parameters. The outcome of the study revealed that there is a highly significant difference of Demographic Variable Tenure on the Job Satisfaction parameter Behavior of Superiors and moderately significant difference in case of Demographic Variable Marital Status on Job Satisfaction parameter Resources. The results of the study indicated high implications for hotel managements.

Keywords: Employee Job Satisfaction, Demographic Variables, Hotel Industry, NCR

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