Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025




An Investigation into Research Trends of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems

Volume 13 Issue 2

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Shelley Duggal, Ashish Dahiya | Author(s) Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Amity School of Hospitality, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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The genesis of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is traced back to the early 2000. Since then, it has been a roller coaster ride till 2008 and afterwards they have been attracting great deal of interest and attention from the researchers and academicians all over the world. The research interest focusses upon numerous subjects from growth and development of MOOCs, MOOCs design, strategies, MOOCs model, MOOCs challenges, improvements and impact etc. to perspectives of MOOCs providers, stakeholders and institutions. Present study investigates into the historical development of online teaching and learning into education, growth and development of MOOCs in higher education and trends in research on MOOCs by reviewing research papers on MOOCs in Emerald. The study analyzes research papers (N = 30) related to MOOCs in academic database given in Emerald. A systematic review approach is undertaken for the purpose of the study. First, a database is created of all the research papers and then the content analysis is done to develop an insight into trends on numerous themes of research. The findings of the present study indicate that the research in MOOCs has been focused on MOOCs platform providers at the initial stages to MOOCs pedagogy in the contexts of MOOCs provider institutions and participants as teachers and students. The study paves the path for future research in MOOCs.

Keywords: Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCS, Research Trends

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