Monday, 28 Oct, 2024




Analysing the factors determining the Acceptance of Blockchain Technology within the Mauritian Tourism Industry - Use of an Extended UTAUT Model

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems

Volume 17 Issue 3

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: N. Ramphul, Y. Sunecher, L. Amelot, K. Puchooa | Author(s) Affiliation: University of Technology Mauritius, Pointe-Aux-Sables.
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The aim of this study will be on the investigation of the behavioural intention to accept Blockchain Technology within the tourism industry in the Mauritian context. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) has been employed for investigation and analysis.The research found that the most important predictors to affect the behavioural intention towards Blockchain Technology acceptance was that of Trust Transparency and Hedonic Motivation. In the same line, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence and Effort Expectancy, Security, Facilitating Conditions and Cost of Innovations had positive significance with the behavioural intention. Organisational Size was used as a moderator and was found that indirect specific effects were significant with Facilitating Conditions and Hedonic Motivation on the Behavioural Intention towards Blockchain Technology. Organisational culture has been investigated to be key emerging conditions since the concept of resistance to change, as emanated from findings, is ingrained in the culture of organisation. Attitudes and beliefs of employees may align with resistance, thus influencing how they perceive and respond to change initiatives. The study is one of the first study that has investigated the adoption of blockchain within the tourism industry in Mauritius thus contributing to new findings to the existing literature.

Keywords: Blockchain, UTAUT Model, Tourism, Mauritius

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