Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Effects of Handling Customers Complaints at Kumasi Technical University Restaurant, Kumasi

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems

Volume 12 Issue 2

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Evelyn Catherine Impraim, Priscilla Osea-Akonnor, Henrietta Akrofi-Ansah, Emmanuel Kwesi Nyantakyi | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Hotel Catering and Institnl. Mgt., Faculty of Applied Scie. and Tech., Kumasi Tech. Univ.
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The study was to examine the effects of handling customer complaints at Kumasi Technical University’s restaurant. The study adopted a descriptive research design and a purposive sampling technique in which seven participants were selected for the study. Four research questions were raised to guide the study. The instrument for the data collection was a structured interview guide which was in two parts. There was an interview guide for workers (employees) and the management committee to collect data for study. The qualitative data collected was analysed using content analysis. The study revealed that the workers at the KsTU restaurant perceived their customers as people of high reputation and deserve their attention for service. It was also found out that customer complaints had placed more demand on the workers. The workers have to work extra hard in meeting those demands though it has not caused any of the staff to lose her work over the years. The study showed that the management committees mostly have the patience to sit with the workers in handling complaints that came to their attention. The last but least finding was that customer complaints has helped in effective operation of the restaurant since their clientele basis had not declined over the years but had rather seen an increase demand of restaurant services.

Keywords: Effects, Handling, Customer, Complaints, Restaurant

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