Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Green Tourism: The Road Ahead after COVID-19

International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems

Volume 15 COVID-19 Issue

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Namrata Kishnani | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Management, The Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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Travel & Tourism being the largest service provider industry (value worth US billion $234) have been increasingly contributing third highest Foreign Exchange Earnings with a double digit growth (17.1% in Mar, 2018). It has been in limelight since past few years with the Ministry of Tourism taking few remarkably significant steps to increase the value and volume of foreign tourists arrivals (FTAs) with phenomenally customized tourist attractions like e-visa, subsidized packages to religious places, golden circuit, royal trains like Palace on wheels and participating in tourist marts within and outside the country exhibiting the destinations, food & cultural diversity. As per the reports of The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) India grossed about 9.2% of total GDP value in 2018 with revenues exceeding $240billion along with financially supporting direct/indirect employment opportunities (42.67 million jobs or 8.1% labour force).The recent health and financial emergency of Pandemic COVID-19 which has affected every sector of economy with world over lockdowns shutting down the growth engines of modern economy for quarter nearly i.e. have risked employment of millions across. The sluggish economic growth and declining consumer purchasing power with loss in positive sentiment / behaviour due to economic fallout, unprecedented unemployment statistics going above the earlier recession will eventually be a debacle for the Hospitality and Tourism industry with an expected loss of more than $ 125 billion. The research study aims to create an in-depth understanding of challenges faced by the Tourism industry in the current pandemic situation and consumer sentiment. The findings prove a declining consumer sentiment with tourism associated activities. However an increasing awareness on environmental and sustainable development will prove to be a game changer for Wildlife and ecotourism destinations within the country apart from countryside travel to hometown rather than expensive and riskier foreign travel. The inferences drawn are in confirmation to governments “Dekho Apna Desh” and Incredible India program.

Keywords: Tourism, COVID-19, Wildlife or Ecotourism, Dekho Apna Desh

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