Tourism Integration Model to Increase Economic Productivity of Coastal Communities Through Smart Villages: Tourism Perspective of Sinjai District, Indonesia
Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Amiruddin, Batara Surya, Syafri, Mursal Manaf, Muhibuddin, Muh. Natsir Abduh, Agus Salim, Sutia Budi |
Author(s) Affiliation: Bosowa University, Makassar, Indonesia.
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The purpose of this study is to find a tourism integration model to improve the welfare and economic productivity growth of coastal communities through a smart village approach by investigating the effect of tourism integration on smart villages and the effect of tourism integration on economic growth and examining the influence between smart villages and economic growth. This research uses a quantitative approach and is assisted by the Smart-PLS 3 application. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) is intended to analyze data collected from 300 respondents. The results showed that (a) tourism integration has a significant and direct impact on smart villages; (b) tourism integration has a significant effect on the economic growth of coastal communities; (c) Smart villages directly affect the economic growth of coastal communities. The implications of this study present smart villages as capabilities in the use of information technology, implementation with good governance and active community participation to support tourism integration. The contribution of this research is the formation of a tourism integration model that can encourage increased economic growth of coastal communities.
Keywords: Tourism Integration, Economic Productivity, Coastal Communities, Smart Villages, Smart-PLS
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