Sunday, 23 Feb, 2025




A Bibliometric Study of the Journal Titled Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 13 Issue 2

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Tridib Chattopadhyay | Author(s) Affiliation: St. Pauls Cathedral Mission College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
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Bibliometrics is a branch of science discipline which primarily throws light on the quantitative study of library and information science. In the year 1969, the British Librarian Allan Pritchard first coined the term “Bibliometrics”. Bibliometrics may be defined as the ‘quantitative analysis’ of the bibliographic characteristics of the research outcome of any subject discipline. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, the father of Indian Library Science, coined the term “Librametry”. The meaning of the word “Librametry” is the application of mathematical and statistical techniques in Library and Information Science. Many years later, the specialists in the subject field of ‘Library and Information Science’ coined the term “Informetrics”. They opined that “Informetrics” is the application of mathematical and statistical techniques on ‘Information Science’. Bibliometrics is closely associated with ‘Scientometrics’. ‘Scientometrics’ is the analysis of scientific metrics and indicators. ‘Bibliometrics’ includes the micro-subjects like ‘Citation Analysis’, ‘Authorship Pattern’, ‘Bibliographic Coupling’, ‘Co-Citation Indexing’, ‘Micro-Subject wise Distribution of Articles’ and so many others. Therefore, it may be said that ‘Bibliometrics’ is the terminology which stands for the application of mathematical and statistical techniques to the study of bibliography and its other allied aspects. Now, we are living in the “Knowledge Society”. Knowledge is a strategic resource which resides in human brain, corporate culture and also in different forms of knowledge medium like print and non-print. Libraries and Information Centres are the store houses of knowledge. Libraries and Information Centres are consisting of books and non-book materials. These are the primary resources of libraries and information centres. These resources have no value until it is utilized. These resources of libraries and information centres should be used by the potential users properly.For the proper utilization of information resources, the bibliometric studies are very much helpful for librarians and information professionals. Information Selection, Information Collection, Information Organization, Information Processing, Information Retrieval, Information Dissemination etc. are the principal house-keeping operations of Libraries and Information Centres. All These functions of libraries and information centres can be easy and quick through the application of proper bibliometric techniques. As we know that Information is the power, so we should have to keep in our mind that Information is the strategic resource for all. Information handling should be done very cautiously. All the Information related activities can be done smoothly through the application and use of different bibliometric tools and techniques. Acquisition and technical processing work of libraries and information centres can also be done successfully through the application of bibliometric techniques. Library and Information Science is gaining its importance and popularity for its interdisciplinary nature and application of sophisticated techniques. ‘Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany’ is published by Diva Enterprises Private Limited, New Delhi. ‘Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany’ is a peer-reviewed journal of international reputation that publishes high quality original research papers and reviews. ‘Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany’ is playing an important role in the dissemination of theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of ‘Environmental Botany’, ‘Cellular Physiology’, ‘Bio-Chemistry’, ‘Molecular Biology’, and whole ‘Plant Physiology’ describing biological mechanisms and processes that relate to the performance of plants to their environment. It is a Bi-annual journal (January – June and July – December). The Journal has both print and on-line versions. The Print ISSN of this journal is 2231–1742; and the Online ISSN of this journal is 2231 - 1750 . This paper is a bibliometric study of the ‘Journal of Functional and Environmental Botany’ and this bibliometric study covers the ten [10] volumes of the journal [i.e. from Vol. 1 (2011) to Vol. 10 (2020)]. The research paper examines the contributions from different point of views. The tabular analysis finds out the volume-wise distribution of contributions, authorship pattern of contributions, gender-wise distribution of contributions, citation-wise distribution of contributions, types of publications cited, distribution of contributions on different micro-subjects of ‘Functional and Environmental Botany’ clearly and vividly. This paper gives an in-depth description about the journal by the way of bibliometric analysis in a pinpointed manner. The research article would be helpful for the research scholars, students and teachers in the field of Botany, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Bio-Chemistry, Plant Physiology, and Environmental Science in general, and especially this research article would be very helpful for the research scholars and teachers in the field of Bibliometrics / Scientometrics / Informetrics etc.

Keywords: Bibliometrics, Functional Botany, Environmental Botany

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