Thursday, 13 Mar, 2025




A Systematic Overview and Research Output on Android Technology: Bibliometric Study During the Period 2005 To 2014

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Ashish Kumar Ahirwal, Sandeep Kumar Pathak | Author(s) Affiliation: Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India.
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The rapid development of research in android technology has led to a tremendous number of publications containing the achieved knowledge of this area of research. Mapping of science has a long tradition in many fields in evaluating and analyzing the growth of technology and we find a lack of comprehensive bibliometric study in the area of android. In this article, we provide extensive insights into basic publication output patterns, research productivity and growth rate, research impact, year-wise distribution of publications, collaborative patterns for author and institutes, highly preferred journals, highly impact factored journals, citation patterns etc. during 2005-2014. Furthermore, we analyzed the keywords evolution for every two year interval during this period. The results of the present study provides a better insight of previous trends, patterns and other pivotal factors which acts as a platform for collaborating research culture and knowledge sharing in the field of android.

Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis, Android, Citation Analysis

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