Friday, 14 Mar, 2025




Language as a Barrier in Communiation of Information

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: M. Suresh Babu | Author(s) Affiliation: Librarian, Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
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Communication is generally easier over shorter distances as more communication channels are available and less technology is required. Although modern technology often helps to reduce the impact of physical barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of each communication channel should be understood so that an appropriate channel can be used to overcome the physical barriers. Language is a medium to express our thoughts and feelings in any field. Free flow of information, from its origin to the ultimate consumer, has been a subject of concern to librarians, scientists and of late to Governments also. It is of immediate concern to scientists, authors etc. who are the ultimate consumers. There is growing acceptance among senior executives of the vital importance of information and knowledge in a post-industrial society.

Keywords: Language, Barrier, Communication, Information

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