Saturday, 15 Mar, 2025




Re-Designation of Librarian: Empowering Human Resource

International Journal of Information Library and Society

Volume 10 Issue 2

Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: N. K. Pachauri | Author(s) Affiliation: Librarian, Kendriya Vidyalaya OEF, Hazratpur, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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The designation is a name given purposefully to a person for his job and it is the term used for identification of a particular job. The status and cadre of librarian has been a controversial topic in the academic circle of our country. The designation of the post of “Librarian” should be reviewed in the present ICT Scenario. Other departments used to review and change the designation of various posts from time to time as per the need and demand on the basis of work, responsibility, nature of work, status, cadre etc. Article discusses that we are not meeting the demand of the hour and we are still behind the time. Person working anywhere is librarian whether it is a public library, school library, college library, university library, special library, research institution, digital library, e-library and so on. All the designations are “librarian and librarian”. A questionnaire is circulated and online survey method is adopted for observing the opinion of the library professionals, teachers, students, research scholars regarding changes in nomenclature of the “Librarian Post” at various levels i.e. schools, colleges, University and Public Libraries. The data is analysed in form of tables and charts. Suggestions are also given for empowering the human resources working in the libraries.

Keywords: Designation, Job Title, Nomenclature, ICT Era, Digital Library, Work Profile, Professional Association, Regulatory Body

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