Britain?s Trade Union Modernisation: State Policy & Union Projects
Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: Mark Stuart, Miguel Martinez Lucio & Andrew Charlwood Mark Stuart
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This paper examines the nature and
process of trade union modernisation
in Britain, through an analysis
of the Labour Government?s
Trade Union Modernisation Fund
(UMF). The key concern of the paper
is to examine how the state has
sought to influence the modernisation
processes of trade unions via
the UMF, the union response and
what the potential gains may be.
The paper argues that the UMF has
not led to an inevitable subjugation
of unions to state policy; instead
projects have fostered new ideas
within unions and have led to the
development of new participative,
communication structures, new
organisational skills and new representational
roles around the promotion
of workplace equality.
Keywords : Union Modernisation Fund, union modernisation in Britain
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