Change Management Theories: A Study on COMAIR, South Africa
Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Indranil Bose and Sachin Gupta |
Author(s) Affiliation: Dean, School of Business, University of Bolton, Academic Centre, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
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Change could be conceptualized
and categorized into two ways.
The first is the rational and strategic
process approach in which
organizations identify the need
for change and design an action
plan to implement change. The
second is the evolutionary selection
in which the organizations
chose to resist the change happening
around them. COMAIR
Ltd., a leading airlines company
based in South Africa has initiat
ed l argescal e changes i n
structure, process and operations
during the 1980s, which continued
in 1990s and early 2000. The
initiatives have been found to be
ev ol ut i onary i n nat ure. The
present article has attempted to
analyze the change process at
COMAIR from the viewpoint of
popul ar c hange manageme nt
Keywords: N.A.
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