Decoding Embedded Gendering in Mobile Working - A Case Study
Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Jerome Joseph and Seema S Rawat |
Author(s) Affiliation: Independent Sociologist.
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Joan Ackers concern underlying her
conceptualisation of deeply embedded
gendering of work processes is
that social and organizational processes
are depicted as “gender neutral”
while on the contrary they perpetuate
deeply embedded gendered
constructions of power and processes.
Acker suggests that this project of hegemonic
masculinity is carried out
through what she conceptualizes as
the “abstract job” based managerial
policies and practices. This study attempts
to engage with the concept of
“abstract job” in the changing context
of mobile workers. The study also
ex plores t he response s of mobi l e
workers to the gendered changes in
mobile working by adapting Merton’s
fivefold framework depicting responses
to such changes. The findings
provide conceptual insights into
decoding embedded gendering in mobile
Keywords: N.A.
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