Development of a Firm Level Strategic Shared Leadership Scale
Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Sumi Jha & SomSekhar Bhattacharyya |
Author(s) Affiliation: National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE),Vihar Lake Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
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The concept of shared leadership at
strategic level has been examined in
this article. Strategic shared leadership
has been defined as the process
of two or more leaders based on formal
structure and their informal influence
shapes strategic decisions of
organizations. Data was collected
based on structured questionnaire
survey of managers and analyzed
using exploratory and confirmatory
factor analysis. A scale has been
developed to operationalize the concept
which has five factors: Informal
Authority Base, Financial Decision,
Future Direction Setting, Open
Communication, Organizational
Change, and Formality. The factors
are made up of items characterizing
the shared leadership process based
on collective decision-making, informal
and formal sharing of roles
and responsibilities.
Keywords: N.A.
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