Economic Contribution of Government Department Enterprises in India
Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: M. Manonmani |
Author(s) Affiliation: Prof. Economics,Avinashilingam Inst. for Home Science&Higher Edu for Women,Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu
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This study analyzes the productivity and production function in Indias manufacturing sector with particular reference to performance
of government department enterprises. The data source for the study is Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) of the Central Statistical
Organization (CSO), Government of India and covered the period 2001-02/2012-13. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to measure the productivity ratios and technical progress. Marginal productivity of labor varied between 0.157 units and 8.416 units across the years. These enterprises recorded marginal productivity of capital of 2.1862 units. The average capital intensity ratio was found to be 3.919. Organizational efficiency in the sector was found high.
Keywords: N.A.
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