Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Ford Debacle Derails Make in India Plans: Socio Economic Impacts

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 57 Issue 4

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: L. R. K. Krishnan and S. Poorani | Author(s) Affiliation: VIT Business School, Chennai, India
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Ford India operations ended up losing roughly two billion dollars due to lack of demand and sales. The pandemic has placed the company on the back foot, unprecedented failures and affecting the livelihoods of employees. The shutdown of the companys Indian wing will reduce up to 4,000 factory jobs, with over 2,600 regular employees and around 1,000 contract workers. The shutdown will also affect auxiliary companies that sell minor components and parts to Ford. Data were collected from workers, union leaders, union members, dealers, customers, and management to understand the issues faced by Ford. Indian operations were typically marginal and vulnerable to significant economic shifts; export was a face-saver. The study attempts to present the impact of the closure on the socioeconomic conditions of workers.

Keywords: N.A.

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