Gender-based Differences in Labor Market Returns in Indian Manufacturing: Evidences from NSS Rounds
Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Bidisha Mondal |
Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru Univer., New Delhi, India
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This paper explores the gender based
differences in labor market
returns in Indian manufacturing
sector during 2004 or 05 –
2011 or 12 and finds that the female
to male wage ratio improved significantly
for the blue-collar
workers majorly in rural areas.
The reason had been a major
sectoral change among female
blue-collar workers in rural areas.
A sharp increase in the share
of employment in wearing apparels
industries and a decline in the
share of tobacco industries led to
a high rise in share of workers in
regular monthly salary system
and a decline in share of workers
in piece-rate payment system
among rural female blue-collar
workers. Methodologies used
here are Neumark decomposition
analysis, Logit and Ordered Logit
Keywords: N.A.
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