Green Jobs, Environmental Sustainability & Industrial Relations
Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: David Collins, Mark Bray & John Burgess
Available for All
All nations need to develop low-carbon
economies in order to rescue the
planet from climate change and create
a sustainable future. There is a
strong industrial relations component
that to date has largely been
overlooked. There are three elements
that limit the social actors
from reaching a consensus. First is
the absence of leadership and an
agreed agenda and policy regime
for adjustment globally and across
many countries as manifested by the
failure to reach an agreement at
Copenhagen. Second is the lack of
detailed policies and institutions in
some countries to facilitate adjustment
and provide a framework to
bring the social partners together.
Third, in some countries a neo liberal
policy agenda has removed or
modified the very institutions that
could have supported the attainment
of a consensus over structural adjustment.
Keywords :Climate change, Leadership absence, Lack of detailed policies, Neo liberal policy agenda
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