Implementation Gaps in Minimum Wages: Comparison of Eight Asian Countries
Published: 2021
Author(s) Name: Biju Varkkey, Rupa Korde and Sunny Wadhwaniya |
Author(s) Affiliation: Human Resource Management area, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Gujarat
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Minimum Wages (MW) have been an
important policy instrument used by
governments for labor market stabilization
and also to improve the
worki ng condi t ions. Whi l e the re
have been ongoing debates about
t he i mpac t of MW, poor qual i t y
implementation has been repeatedly
cited as a major challenge. Workers
in Asia who account for majority
of world’s working population
f ace t he brunt of poor
implementation. Using data from
sources like ILO Working Conditions
Laws Database, Wage Indicat
or Foundat i on, off i cial country
data and building on past research,
we examine MW implementation in
eight developing countries in Asia.
The comparison provides insights
about convergence and divergence
in implementation practices, thus
increasing the ability to cross learn.
Keywords: N.A.
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