Leveraging Emotional Intelligence for Managing Executive’s Job Stress: A Framework
Published: 2009
Author(s) Name: Sanjay Kumar Singh
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Stress is an inevitable outcome of
modern day complex life in organizations
and needs to be experienced
at an optimal level, which depends
upon person’s characteristics, for
making life meaning-ful and productive.
This does not happen most of
the times in organizational lives as
demands and expectations from inside
and outside the organization
keep on constantly changing. Researches
across the globe have found
the relevance of emotional intelligence
of the employees which act as
a moderator vis-à-vis perception of
job stress. This paper is an attempt
to meta-analyze available research
findings and develop a framework to
be used by the industry practitioners.
The conceptual model based on research
literature is assumed to fillin
the gap and also to address the
organizational concerns.
Keywords : Job stress, Organizational concerns
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