Pattern of Trade & Trade Advantage in Transport Equipment Industry in India
Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: M. Manonmani |
Author(s) Affiliation: Prof., Dept. of Eco., Avinashilingam Instt. for Home Science and Higher Edu. for Women, Coimbatore.
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This paper analyses the pattern
of trade and trade advantage in
transport equipment during
2000-2014. Tools such as Static
Index, Marginal Intra-Industry
Trade (MIIT) Index or Dynamic
Index, Horizontal and Vertical
Intra-industry Index, Revealed
Comparative Advantage (RCA)
Index, Theoretical Range of the
RCA value, Revealed Symmetric
Comparative Advantage (RSCA)
Index or Product Mapping, Revealed
Competitive Advantage
Index, Relative Trade Advantage
(RTA) Index etc were used. It was
found that intra- industry trade
was taking place at high level.
Higher quality trade was taking
place during 2001 and 2009-14
Low quality products were exported
in some years. Transport
equipment industry had comparative
disadvantage throughout the
reference period.
Keywords: N.A.
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