Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




The Crossover of Work-family Experiences among Supervisor-subordinate Dyads in India

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 53 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Pavithra Sampath & Rupashree Baral | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, IIT, Madras, Chennai, India.
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Experiences such as work-family conflict (WFC) and work-family facilitation (WFF) not only spillover from one role domain to another but also crossover from one role occupant (e.g., a partner in a dual-earner couple or a supervisor in a work setting) to the other member in the dyad (e.g., other partner in a dual career couple or subordinate in a work setting). Rarely studies have applied crossover models while examining positive work-family experiences (WFF) and have considered supervisor-subordinate dyad as units of analyses in work-family literature. This study integrates crossover research of WFC and WFF among supervisor-subordinate dyads in the workplace setting. A significant crossover path was found from supervisors WFC and WFF to his/her respective subordinates WFC and WFF, job satisfaction and performance.

Keywords: N.A.

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