Trade Union Movement & Labour Policies in the EU after the Global Financial Crisis
Published: 2010
Author(s) Name: György Széll
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There are fundamental questions to
ask before we are able to come to
grips in regard to the future of the
European Social Model and the role
of Europe in a globalising world.
Today we are facing a number of
challenges. In September 2009 the
biggest financial and economic
crash since the Black Friday 1929
has shuttered the economic model of
deregulation at any price and the attempt
to destroy the welfare state. Apparently
we are at a new beginning,
although those who are mainly responsible
for this disaster try to
blame the state. Since many years
there were already a number of
warnings that this neo-liberal economic
system, which declared war on
the trade unions and workers? participation,
is not sustainable ? neither
economically or financially nor
socially or environmentally, argues
the paper.
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