Thursday, 19 Sep, 2024




What Good Is Bad Mentorship? Protege’s Perception of Negative Mentoring Experiences

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations

Volume 48 Issue 1

Published: 2012
Author(s) Name: Payal Kumar & Stacy Blake-Beard | Author(s) Affiliation: (1) Doctoral Scholar, XLRI (2) Associate Professor, Simmons College School of Management, Boston
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Scholars have only recently begun to study the darker side of mentoring. Covering virtually unchartered terrain, this paper draws on the social exchange theory and the interdependence theory to study whether negative mentoring experiences can be perceived by proteges as a double sided coin with both cost and benefits. Also this paper examines whether some proteges are inclined to negative mentoring experiences than the others. Reasons for why this study has important implications for proteges and organisations are suggested and also future area of study are demarcated.

Keywords: N.A.

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