Working & Living Conditions of Women Domestic Workers: Insights from a Survey
Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Bino Paul G.D., Venkatesha Murthy R., Susanta Datta |
Author(s) Affiliation: Professor, School of Mgt. and Labor Studies, Tata Instt. of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
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Exploring primary data collected
from 1510 women domestic workers
in Mumbai, this study evidently
brings out domestic work
as a feminine occupation in a global
city like Mumbai. The occupation
is an epitome of critical
deficits in human development.
Based on the findings, the authors
argue why it is essential to
create a comprehensive social
security system for domestic workers
in India against the backdrop
of working and living conditions
of labor belonging to this occupational
category. The study covers
themes such as work profile
of the domestic workers, access
to social security, health, habitat
and domestic violence.
Keywords: N.A.
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