Tuesday, 11 Feb, 2025




Editorial Note

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Dr. Rupak Chakravarty | Author(s) Affiliation: Editor - IJISL
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Let me welcome readers of the first issue of the International Journal of Information Studies & Libraries {IJISL}. It is an International online peer reviewed and indexed journal. IJISL is initiated by the Publishing India Group, India. This will consider any original contribution that enhance or illuminates Library and Information Science or Practice, or that educates or entertains the journal’s readers. IJISL is published twice times a year (Bi-annual). The power of information is overwhelming. Every event, process, action, communication; every object on this universe has some story to tell. We are heading towards an informed world or at-least intent to move in a society which attaches greater importance to information. Information has now the proven building block of the society. It influences lives and the better it is managed, more desired are the outcomes. Societies which have realized this early and adopted the tools and techniques of information management may find it easy to solve real life issues and problems more prudently. Information is all pervasive, an unavoidable phenomenon, a critical factor in shaping the economic, political, social, health, education, governance and other critical spheres of the society. It’s a prized possession, a valuable asset for nation building. If managed and put to use judiciously, problems can be addressed readily. According to Castelfranchi, “a knowledge society generates, shares and makes available to all members of the society knowledge that may be used to improve the human condition.” He has differentiated a knowledge society (KS) from an information society (IS) in that - the former serves to transform information into resources that allow society to take effective action while the latter only creates and disseminates the raw data. Sorrentino considers the emergence of KS as an evolutionary process as “it can be seen as the successor of a previous phase, the “information society” (IS), which in turn followed the industrial society”. According to him tacit knowledge (residing in the head of people) what can materialize tangibly in the physical world, as print, or human exchanges (explicit knowledge) drives the economy in the new millennium. Information (and its derivatives) thus, is capable of facilitating a kind of level playing field for all leading to what we call a “Flat World”. Flat here refers to several things including a world without any bias, imbalance, discrimination, inequalities. A world where people can leave in peace, harmony, joy and love - a better place to live in. I would like to thank all members of the editorial and the international advisory boards for their continued support to IJISL with their highly valuable advice. Additionally, I would like to thank manuscript reviewers whose valuable comments and suggestions to the authors helped greatly improve the quality of the papers. My sincere appreciation goes to all authors and readers of IJISL for their excellent support and timely contribution to this journal. My sincere thanks are also due to Publishing India for their unconditional support and cooperation. We look forward to valuable feedback from readers to further ensure the quality of IJISL and make it more purposive.

Keywords: NA

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