Monday, 28 Oct, 2024




Measuring Impact in Open Access Research: An Altmetric and Citation Analysis

International Journal of Information Studies and Libraries

Volume 9 Issue 1

Published: 2024
Author(s) Name: Manjinder Singh, Anita Chhatwal | Author(s) Affiliation: Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Chandigarh, India.
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This study investigates the altmetric performance and citation trends of highly cited open access (OA) publications, shedding light on the interplay between online metrics and scholarly impact. Utilising data from Dimensions and Scopus databases, a cohort of 25 influential OA publications was selected from a pool of over 44 million publications. The selected articles, authored by 83 individuals from 11 countries and 45 organisations, displayed significant multi-author collaboration. These publications collectively cited 917 external sources and garnered over 1.6 million citations each from both Dimensions and Scopus databases. Temporal analysis revealed publication trends spanning from 1951 to 2018, with articles, conference papers and reviews constituting the most prevalent document types. A comprehensive survey of source journals showcased diverse disciplinary origins. Notably, four standout publications – “Protein Measurement with the Folin Phenol Reagent,” “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition,” “Density-functional thermochemistry. III. “The role of exact exchange”, and “Development of the Colle-Salvetti correlation-energy formula into a functional of the electron density” – amassed over 80,000 citations each, affirming their significant impact. The correlation between altmetric metrics and Scopus citations was examined, revealing mixed associations. Higher view counts were linked to increased citations, underlining the role of initial visibility. However, usage and captures metrics displayed no substantial correlation with citations. In contrast, mentions and social media metrics demonstrated a significant positive relationship with citations, underscoring the influence of social media engagement on research dissemination. Overall, the study underlines the significance of social media in driving research impact and dissemination. It underscores the importance of OA publishing and social media engagement as influential tools for amplifying research visibility.

Keywords: Altmetric Performance, Open Access, Highly Cited Publications, Dimensions Database, Scopus Database, Online Metrics, Citation Advantage

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