Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




An Entropy Encoding Method for Routing Metadata in Ad HOC Network

International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: J. Joshi, K. Kuppusamy | Author(s) Affiliation: M.Phil. Scholar, Dept. of Computer Applications, Alagappa Univ., Karaikudi, Tamil, Nadu, India.
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Secret common transmission among two or multiple nodes in a network resides at the root of common communication security. In the existing system DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) algorithm is used when a user (sender) decides to send a packet to a destination node (receiver) in the Ad hoc network. Key wrapped technique is used to encode the ipaddress, path and data because the third party hacker cannot hack the information from the node and also maximum entropy is occurred. The aim of this research work is to reduce the entropy process in data transmission by identifying active nodes through which file/data are to be transmitted. The proposed method uses the selective reference algorithm to identify active nodes and the key wrapped technique to encode the ipaddress of the selected nodes and find it path/route to transfer the file/data. This proposed work reduces the entropy process and router path is more secure and provide high performance of ad hoc network during transmission.

Keywords: Encoding, Entropy, Metadata, Routing.

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