Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Galois Theory and Quality of Service Driven Knowledge Extraction within an Enterprise

International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems

Volume 11 Issue 1

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Ghislain Abessolo Alo’o, Danielle Olle Olle, Valery Monthe and Laetitia Mapikou Mouafo | Author(s) Affiliation: University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.
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In Enterprises, knowledge is used in the execution of workflow tasks by users. This knowledge is held by employees involved in the workflow. With the instability of employees, quality of service is not always guaranteed. However, due to competitiveness, enterprises are forced to improve their quality of service to satisfy their customers. The method generally used consists to build a knowledge base that identifies the knowledge to optimize employee’s performance to ensure optimal quality of service. But the existence of a knowledge base does not always guarantee the achievement of quality of services requested by customers. This raises the problem of extraction of knowledge in the execution of business process to achieve a quality of service requested by a customer. In this paper, we present a method based on Galois Theory, to extract, from the knowledge base, relevant knowledge needed for the execution of business process to achieve a given quality of service.

Keywords: Business process and workflow modeling, Customer satisfaction, Galois theory, Knowledge base, Knowledge management, Process abstraction, Quality of service.

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