Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Isolating Selfish Nodes and Analyzing Performance of Ad-Hoc Network Using Perfect Information Game Theory

International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems

Volume 6 Issue 2

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Samara Mubeen | Author(s) Affiliation: Dept. of Information Science and Engg., J.N.N. College of Engg., Shimoga, Karnataka, India.
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Base stations are not required for the flow of information between different nodes. Nodes spontaneously get connected for transfer of information in the Ad-hoc network. Energy is the important resource used in the transfer of information from the one node to the other node. To preserve the energy, the nodes behave selfishly. These selfish nodes will stop the forwarding the information to the next node in the network by which the performance of the entire network degrades. To identify selfish nodes and isolate them from the network, perfect information game theory is used. Performance of the network is found out with and without using game theory approach for static and dynamic Ad-hoc network. The parameters considered to measure performance are throughput and End-to-End delay. Ns2 simulator is used for implementation.

Keywords: End-to-End delay, Energy, Ns2 simulator, Packet delivery ratio, Perfect information game theory, Selfish nodes.

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