Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




M-Learning through Semantically Annotated Learning Objects and Ontologies

International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Reshmy Krishnan | Author(s) Affiliation: Asso.Prof., HOD, Dept. of Computing, Muscat College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Oman
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Number of mobile subscriptions has increased tremendously due to rapid development of mobile technologies. The performance and accessibility of the e-learning process can be enhanced through mobile devices which is called m-learning. M-learning makes learning resources available anywhere and anytime, provide strong search capabilities, and offers easy interaction features to the learners. M-learning also points the opportunity for interoperability than existing e-learning system. The integration of semantic web in m-learning can improve the efficiency of searching for learning objects and reduce the time and cost of learning process. Semantic web can be integrated with the help of ontologies and learning objects in semantic web. They offer rich medium to assist m-learning via semantic annotated learning objects and shared repositories. Two types of ontologies, such as learning object content ontology and learning object structure ontology are used in this system. These ontologies facilitate the reuse, sharing and retrieval of relevant learning objects which are the backbone of m-learning.

Keywords: M-Learning, Semantic Web, Learning Object, Ontology, Reusability, Sharing, Repository

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