Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage

International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems

Volume 5 Issue 1

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: N. Sivranjani, E. Ramaraj | Author(s) Affiliation: M.Phil Scholar, Department of Computer Application, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India.
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Cloud computing is the since a long time back imagined vision of enlisting as an utility, where clients can remotely store their information into the cloud to welcome the on-request stunning applications and associations from a common pool of configurable planning assets. By information outsourcing, clients can be calmed from the weight of near to information gathering and support. In this way, empowering open Auditability for cloud information putting away security is of basic criticalness so clients can swing to an outside overview social event to check the uprightness of outsourced information when required. To influence the overall public checking on course of action of data amassing security in Cloud Computing and give an assurance sparing looking at tradition. The arrangement reinforces an external analyst to audit customers outsourced data in the cloud without learning on the data content. This contrive fulfills bundle assessing where various assigned assessing endeavors from different customers can be played out at the same time by the TPA. In this paper, framework is watermarking strategy for Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for cloud data amassing security. To use the general population key based Homomorphism authenticator and interestingly coordinate it with arbitrary veil procedure to accomplish a protection saving open inspecting framework for cloud information stockpiling security while remembering every single above prerequisite. The fundamental plan to help cluster evaluating for TPA upon designations from multi-clients. It utilizes Merle Hash Tree (MHT) for it. To presenting Privacy Preserving Public examining with watermark process for secure distributed storage.

Keywords: Cloud storage, Privacy-preserving, TPA, Public auditing.

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