Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Development of Pisa-Like Reading Comprehension Test

International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices

Volume 11 Issue 2

Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Mardy Lyn Tugahan Perez, Rodolf John Trapa Rodriguez | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Education, Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, Region X Philippines
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This research aims to develop a reading comprehension test for English 7 not perfectly Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) but similar to PISA and to determine the contributing factors of students’ reading performance. This research type is formative evaluation development by Tessmer. The participants of this research were 150 high school students of two public schools in Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, Philippines. The results of this study show that the approximate distribution of tasks per targeted process and text availability can be applied in designing the Table of Specifications (TOS) and there are eight indicators to consider in selecting texts and contexts and in constructing the test items in order to develop PISA-like reading comprehension test namely: (1) cognitive process, (2) format of the text, (3) type of the text, (4) situation or context, (5) type of test (6) level of question, (7) type of question and (8) text medium and text environment. The developed reading comprehension test is not perfectly PISA but only PISA-like because the indicators do not include reading proficiency levels in PISA and do not deal much with questions and item difficulty for each reading proficiency level. Results also yield PISAlike reading comprehension test items that are: (1) valid as these adhere to the PISA reading literacy criteria and the sets of questions are highly reliable; (2) practical because teachers agree that the questions can assess students’ reading literacy and thinking skills; and (3) effective because the mean score of students, although very low, reflects the 2018 PISA reading result. Contributing factors of the low performance are poor vocabulary, poor reading strategies, getting bored and tired of reading, multiple texts, expectations of reading the same texts previously discussed and writing the same answers already given, type of text and reading tasks. The use of PISA-like reading comprehension test may be a great help, so teachers can modify reading comprehension test and students will be familiar with PISA.

Keywords: PISA-Like Reading Comprehension Test, Reading Literacy, Development, Indicators

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