Sunday, 09 Mar, 2025




Human Resources and Knowledge Management Practices in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria - Challenges and Prospects

International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices

Volume 7 Issue 2

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Oluyinka Titilope Afolayan | Author(s) Affiliation: Department of Information and Communication Science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara, Nigeria.
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Human resources (HR) and knowledge management (KM) practices are inevitable for the performance optimization of organizations. At the same time, successful HR and KM practices can lead to innovation, creativity, organizational learning, productivity and knowledge sharing, among others. In view of this, this paper discusses the impact of HR elements on KM practices in institutions of learning in Nigeria, in line with the challenges militating against successful HR and KM strategies and prospects. It was revealed, in this paper, that institutions of learning in Nigeria are yet to define and streamline the relationship between HR and KM to achieve knowledge sharing, dissemination and distribution across institutions due to some challenges discussed in this paper. In conclusion, based on the challenges militating against successful HR and KM practices in Nigeria’s institutions of learning, policy interventions have been suggested for stakeholders in Government and Administrators in these Institutions.

Keywords: Human Resources, Knowledge Management, Institutions of Learning, Management, Performance, Human Resources Management Practices

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