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Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Employed by Young Farmers in Access and Use of Dairy Agricultural Information in Muranga County, Kenya

International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices

Volume 7 Issue 1

Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Martha Wanjiku Thuo, Rose Wambui Njoroge, Lucas Wanangeye Wamalwa | Author(s) Affiliation: Library Department, Murang’a University of Technology, Kenya.
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Information Communication Technology (ICT) has changed the way information is created, stored, accessed and disseminated. It has the potential to enhance access and use of agricultural information by farmers in rural areas thereby improving their farming practices. The study was undertaken to assess how young farmers use ICT technologies in accessing and using dairy agricultural information in Murang’a County, Kenya. The study aimed at assessing the awareness by farmers on technologies available for use in accessing agricultural information and strategies used by farmers in accessing and using dairy agricultural information as a way of promoting dairy farming production. The results of the study revealed that 88% of the farmers agreed that they were aware of the use of technology in accessing agricultural information. 75% of the respondents used radio where television was rated second while mobile phones were rarely used. Majority at (80%) never used technologies such as computers, CD/DVD and social media to access and use dairy agricultural information. Three quarters (75%) preferred using other sources such as extension workers, friends, and relatives over technology. All the extension officers interviewed used technology to acquire and disseminate information. Radio was highly used, followed by internet/web services and social media. The study concluded that dairy farmers have limited access to modern technologies such as mobile phones in access and use of agricultural information. The Kenya National Library Services in collaboration with the Department of Livestock Production should set up exhibitions and information literacy programs for dairy farmers. Infrastructure should be improved in the rural areas of Murang’a County by setting up Cyber cafes within the subcounties and educate dairy farmers on the use of ICT technologies to access and use agricultural information.

Keywords: Youth, Small-Scale Farmers; ICTs, Dairy Agricultural Information, Access and Use of Agricultural Information

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