Information Communication Technology (ICT) Application in Library Services: An Analytical Study
Published: 2023
Author(s) Name: Krishna Ranawat |
Author(s) Affiliation: Faculty of Law, Bhupal Nobles University Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
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This article is an effort to examine the use of web-based information and services by research scholars of the universities of
Udaipur, Rajasthan. The study enquires into the web-based information services of university libraries that are beneficial to the students. A
structured set of questions was framed to examine the satisfaction of respondents for the web-based services offered by the libraries. Analysis
performed over the factors, innovations and developments in library services that encourage the research scholars for utilising the library
resources, analysis of relationship between relative importance of web-based information and library services and its importance for student
satisfaction with the Information Communication Technology services are measured in this article. This article is an effort to evaluate the
affirmative side of integration of web-based information and services and how this integration could utmost benefit the students in achieving
their academic purposes. The study includes 150 students of 10 different affiliated colleges of MLSU Udaipur. It concludes that web-based
information services deliver professional educational development to the students while accessing the library.
Keywords: Web-Based Information, ICT Application
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