Monday, 10 Mar, 2025




Information Literacy among Undergraduate Students: A Survey of Womens Degree College Anantnag, J&K- India

International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices

Volume 8 Issue 1

Published: 2020
Author(s) Name: Shabir Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad Dar, Javid Ahmad Lone | Author(s) Affiliation: Librarian, Department of Education, Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir, India.
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With the evolution of digital media, libraries and information centres are flooded with digital information. Due to the increasingly complex nature of digital information, users are bombarded with dynamic and surplus information alternatives for their professional pursuits. Also, in today’s digital information environment, information profoundly reaches to the end users in various forms; hence, the cause for its originality, value and integrity remains a big challenge before the information scientists. To address this malady, the information literacy comes into picture, which refers ability to identify information need and skill to locate, analyse and ultimately use the required information. The paper attempts to analyse the information literacy skills of the students from the selected college of higher learning. Survey method has been adopted to carry out the study wherein closed questionnaire has been framed-up to get the required data, which was analysed vis-a-vis the objectives of the study. One wide-range finding of the study being that, most of the students are not well versed with the concept of information literacy and utilization of modern day ICT-based information resources.

Keywords: Digital Information, Digital Media, Information Literacy, Under-Graduate Students, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Library & Information Centres (LICs)

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