Tuesday, 11 Mar, 2025




Mapping the Research Output of University of Kashmir

International Journal of Knowledge Management and Practices

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Asifa Jan, Suhail Ahmed, Nahida Tun Nisa, Asiya Ahmed | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The study maps the research output from University of Kashmir, one of the premier higher education institutes of Jammu&Kashmir state, India. Elseviers SciVerse Scopus one of the leading indexing abstracting services was queried for a period of 1963- February 2015 using the affiliation search feature for University of Kashmir. The works of the authors affiliated with University of Kashmir have been analyzed. Statistical analysis of the retrieved data was performed. The publication output from University of Kashmir has shown a promising growth expect for some years in 1990s which can be attributed to the political instability in the state. The highest contributing authors are from Science disciplines with authors from Chemistry, Botany, Electronics, Biochemistry, and Centre of Research for Development departments having a higher rate of h-Index. Majority of papers are published in Indian sources followed by the sources from US, Germany and China. Majority of the authors are affiliated with University of Kashmir followed by Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (Earlier Regional Research Laboratory, Sanat Nagar), Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) and Aligarh Muslim University. Articles have remained a prime document type for publishing by the authors from University of Kashmir followed by conference proceedings and review articles. Agricultural and Biological Sciences outscore other disciplines followed by Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology and Medicine. Future emphasis on joint research, international collaboration, and publishing in indexed journals is needed.

Keywords: Research Output, Scientific Output, Research Trends, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, University of Kashmir

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