Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Glass Ceiling for Women: A Barrier in Effective Leadership

International Journal on Leadership

Volume 2 Issue 2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Sakshi Sharma, Rajvir Kaur | Author(s) Affiliation:
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The extant literature on leadership imitates the traditional bias of leadership being a male domain. Arising out of a social structure, men assume leadership in organisations while women are often confined to work at home. Women are underrepresented in the leadership ranks across society. Research and the development of strategies to assist corporate women in breaking the glass ceiling are frequent and ongoing. The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical explanation for the persistence of the glass ceiling keeping women away from assuming leadership positions. The paper also provides implications of the literature for effective leadership and breaking of glass ceiling. A review of the existing literature was conducted to collect data through professional and academic journals of business and education as well as pertinent web sites. The secondary data available on the paycheck India were analysed. The present study showed that there was an existence of glass ceiling with a significant difference in average salary, designation and industry, which hindered women to be employed at managerial positions. Furthermore, the study revealed that the salary disparity between men and women is constricting over time. Research also showed that women handle emotions and relationships differently than men. Women were often more effective than men as managers since they frequently utilize intuitive and empathetic skills.

Keywords: Glass Ceiling, Salary Disparity, Designation Disparity, Industry Segregation, Leadership

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