Saturday, 22 Feb, 2025




Leadership - A Journey from a Manager to a SuperManager

International Journal on Leadership

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Abhaya Ranjan Srivastava, Ankit Kishore Prasad, Niraj Mishra | Author(s) Affiliation:
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According to John Maxwell - A Leader is one who: KNOWS the way, Goes the way, & Shows the way. We often hear that there is a serious lack of Good Managers in the corporate world. We can say that a manager equipped with the adaptive capabilities in the changing environment is a Good Manager or a Super Manager. Manager is the position given to an individual whereas Super Manager is the way or style to be the best man to lead a bunch of people for the betterment of not only the organization but also the people as individuals by bringing unity into the achievements of organizations with the individual goals. He is also a true figure of confidence and trust for his team and knows how to adapt to the changing environment. The distance between manager and a super manager is not the matter of Altitude, its a matter of Attitude and Leadership. A super manager is not a leader who just leads the team but also creates leaders out of the team no matter of what background, task and non - task objectives, skills and abilities may the members have. And a Super manager is the one who knows how he can utilize his manpower effectively and can motivate every member to give his best and work towards achieving common organizational objectives in a particular frame of time. The magic behind every successful firm is none other than leadership in its managers or lets say super managers. This study is an attempt to bring out the characteristics and leadership qualities of a super manager which would bring success for the organization.

Keywords: Leader, Manager, Super Manager

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