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The Challenges of Leadership: Unique Aspects of Leading the American Community College

International Journal on Leadership

Volume 10 Issue 2

Published: 2022
Author(s) Name: Michael T. Miller | Author(s) Affiliation: Higher Education, College of Education and Health Professions, University of Arkansas, United States
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Community colleges have a history of an ability to adapt to their changing environment quickly and in response to changing learner needs. This ability to change has historically relied on strong presidential leadership. The current study was designed to explore the leadership trait needs of community colleges in the US, and how these desired traits vary based on constituent levels. Drawing upon a sample of faculty, students, community citizens, and business and industry leaders at a one case study community college, the findings showed that each constituent group wanted something different. The faculty agreed most strongly that they wanted a leader with high emotional intelligence, students wanted an empathic leader, community members a leader with gratitude, and business and industry representatives were looking for fostering innovation. Based on a sample from one community college, the findings suggest that there is a need for further research as well as a need to better understand the definition of leadership within community colleges.

Keywords: Community Colleges, Leadership, Administration

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