Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Application of PERT Network to Improve the Availability Through Reduction in Maintenance Downtime of Blast Furnace Capital Repair at BSP Bhilai

Rungta International Journal of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering

Volume 2 Issue 1 & 2

Published: 2017
Author(s) Name: Suraj Bandhekar, Pravin Kumar Borkar | Author(s) Affiliation: Research Scholar, Department of Mech. Engg., Rungta College of Engg. & Tech., Chhattisgarh, India.
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Continuous production rate of any industry or plant depends on its all components & their functioning. The time for which the component or unit is not working is called DOWNTIME. From the production point of view DOWNTIME is not desirable. To avoid downtime modern maintenance techniques can be applied. In planning any project network analysis plays very important role. With the help of PERT network each and every activity can be identified individually and then it can be observed in the whole system. By the identification of activity duration we can calculate the total time for the completion of the project and then we can minimize that time with help of crashing. The same thing has been done here, the system taken is BLAST FURNACE, and the network analysis has been applied to the Category-2 repair cycle which has to be done in every 5-8 years. By identification of the activities the time study has been done and then though mathematical calculations the repair time for which the system has been stopped has been minimized. This will help in the saving of the time for production as well as the saving of the money which is being lost because of the stoppage of the system. The data collected are factual and they have been keen observed to make improvements. This project will be very helpful for the maintenance department.

Keywords: Blast furnace, PERT network.

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