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Finite Element Analysis and Validation of SIF and J-Integral of a Semi-elliptical Crack with Analytical Method

Rungta International Journal of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering

Volume 1 Issue 1

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Yugal Kishor Sahu, S. K. Moulick | Author(s) Affiliation:
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Crack in any machine component leads to a catastrophic phenomenon by sudden and total collapse. So, it is required to predict the behavior of a machine component under subjection of load both in static state or dynamic state. For proper prediction about failure of any object it is required to perfectly measure Stress Intensity Factor and J-Integral of a crack induced in that machine component under the action of static or dynamic loading. It is not possible to calculate SIF and J-Integral for all crack configurations analytically. So, numerical method is very efficient to calculate the SIF and J-Integral for any crack configuration. Here in this paper a validation has been done in calculating SIF and J-Integral of a semi-elliptical crack in an rectangular block using analytical formulas and using a FEA software named ANSYS Workbench to calculate numerically.

Keywords: Semi-elliptical Crack, Stress Intensity Factor (SIF), J-Integral, ANSYS

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