Friday, 27 Sep, 2024




Study of Hydrodynamic Retarder & It`s Effects on Vehicle Components

Rungta International Journal of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering

Volume 1 Issue 2, 3 & 4

Published: 2016
Author(s) Name: Archis Sukhadeo Dhawale, Sankalp Marghade | Author(s) Affiliation: Mechanical Engineering Department Rungta College of Engg and Tech Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India
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As the road conditions are improving over decades, the speed and capacity of CV (commercial vehicles) are also increasing with regularly improving technology. But this also imposes a heavier burden on primary (service) brakes especially in mountain operation. As braking materials not involve comparable to engine and transmission system improvement. Which increase the problem of excessive lining wear and brake fading while decreasing the safety. Therefore supplementary brake systems like retarders are highly desirable for safe, easy and economical transport. Retarders reduce the wear of primary brakes and increase average speed by dissipating power at relatively low torque over long periods. There are many views for retarder and lot of questions about What exactly it is? In the few pages there is high light on development, working. Retarder effects on different vehicle components, advantages, disadvantages and features are also discussed.

Keywords: Hydrodynamic Retarder, Retarder, Automobile, Braking

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