Tuesday, 04 Mar, 2025




Advertisements of Soft Drinks Brands- Impact on Telangana Soft Drink Consumers Preferences

International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication

Volume 4 Issue 2

Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: Ramesh Babu Kakumanu | Author(s) Affiliation: Asso Prof, Vignana Bharathi Inst of Tech, Aushapur, Ghatkesar, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
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Advertisements are unavoidable and unseen. Everyone has to come across advertisements in daily life. Soft drinks advertisements are more possessive about their customers and pumping into their possible medium with innovative and creative concepts to reach their customers, since soft drinks emerged as crucial part of meal take in the modern era and is consistent in escalating the growth of industry. The recent growth of soft drinks in Indian market has been enormously projected in all the relevant reports. Though the Indian consumption rate is less than the worlds consumption, it has greater impact on youth drinks. Youths have been pondering their favouritism towards the beverages during all their parties and functions. Telangana youths are aggressive in nature and they are in mood of enjoying their achievement of getting their new state formed from the United Andhra Pradesh. This article is aimed at knowing the impact of advertisements on soft drinks consumers in Telangana State. An attempt has been made to verify the relationship between advertising elements of soft drink brands and demographic characteristics of the customers, the preference of soft drink consumers with respect to brand ambassadors, and also to examine which emotional ad is mostly preferred. Data is collected from 573 Telangana consumers. The techniques like Chi-Square, Lambda, Goodman and Kruskal tau, and Cramers V are used to test association and intensity of the relationship among the variables.

Keywords: Soft Drinks, Preferences, Advertisements, Telangana Consumers, Association Tests

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