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Analysis of Physicians Technology Acceptance Literature in Changing Indian Pharmaceutical Marketing Context: A Markus and Robeys Causal Structure Approach

International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication

Volume 3 Issue 2

Published: 2014
Author(s) Name: Avadhut Arun Patwardhan, Neeraj Pandey, Sudheer M. Dhume | Author(s) Affiliation: Marketing Department, National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
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The Internet adoption has been viewed as user acceptance phenomenon. The user technology acceptance phenomenon has been studied from various perspectives and examined in context of different technologies. It may be viewed from individual and organisational user perspective. However only few researchers have examined physicians technology acceptance as a phenomenon. In India, the me-too pharmaceutical promotion strategies have has shifted the focus towards the modern medium of pharmaceutical promotional methods. Internet is one of the most prominent tools among these modern means of pharmaceutical promotions. Therefore it becomes essential to understand physicians internet adoption pattern which plays a key role in Indian pharmaceutical marketing context. This study systematically analyses the scholarly literature related to physicians technology acceptance. Meta-theoretical framework proposed by Markus & Robey (1988) was used to analyze the scholarly literature related to physicians technology acceptance phenomenon. The findings of this study revealed that physicians technology acceptance phenomenon has been viewed as an individuals user acceptance caused by technology imperative. It has been examined by adopting variance theory as a logical structure. The analysis has also revealed that Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis (1986) has been used as representative, robust, and prominent model that examined the physicians technology acceptance phenomenon for various technologies like electronic health records, tele-medicine technology and smart phones. The study proposed two propositions and suggested integration of IDT and TRI constructs with TAM constructs that also underlines contribution of this study.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical Marketing, Physicians Technology Acceptance, Technology Acceptance Model, Innovation Diffusion Theory, Technology Readiness Index

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