Tuesday, 04 Mar, 2025




Antecedents of Youth Green Intention: An Examination of Subjective Norms and Perceived Behavioural Controls

International Journal of Marketing and Business Communication

Volume 7 Issue 3

Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Vishal Gupta | Author(s) Affiliation: PhD Scholar, University of Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
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Problem statement: In this vast cutthroat business environment, the economic importance is growing and the environment issues are expanding due to failure in the maintenance of the use of natural resources. So, it is imperative for the green marketers as well as for the green manufacturers to understand youth intention towards green product in a marketing context. For this reason, this study serves the function of examining the two variables, namely, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control, which could influence youth intention towards green products in India. Methodology: Survey method has been used to collect data from PG students of the University of Jammu, using a well-structured questionnaire. Extensive review of literature has also been done and the questionnaire has been duly purified and validated before the data analysis. Structural Equation Modeling has been used to investigate the relationship between the two factors viz., subjective norms & perceived behavioural control and youth green intention. Results: The results revealed a significant impact of subjective norms and perceived behavioural control on green purchase through various factors, namely, peer group influence, social expectations, reference group views, green information, ability to buy and availability of products. Conclusion and Implications: The study came with some valuable suggestions for the marketers and society. For example, the green marketers must first understand the factors affecting the green perceptions of the youth and then position their products. By this, ultimately society will be benefited as the people will get eco-friendly and healthy products.

Keywords: Green Intention, Perceived behavioral Control, Subjective Norms

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