Devastating the Quality Time of TV Viewers by Encroachments of TV Advertisements in India
Published: 2018
Author(s) Name: Muthusamy Sabesh Manikandan, Ganesan Thangadurai, R. Manohar |
Author(s) Affiliation: Assist. Prof., Depart. of Economics, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous), Tamil Nadu
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Television has brought about a revolution in everybody’s lives, and has become an integral part of our lives. In fact, it is popular
and indispensable only next to the basic necessities – food and shelter. The number of TV owned households in India increased
to 183 million in 2017. Out of these 183 million households, 99 million households are in rural India and 84 million households in
urban India, and the advertisements reaches about 75 per cent of the population through television. Certain television programs
enjoy a viewership of more than 100 million. In India, the cable TV industry exploded in the early 1990s, when the broadcast
industry was liberalized. Further it envisaged the entry of many foreign players viz., Star TV Network in 1991, MTV, and others.
In 1992, Government of India liberalized its market by the way of new economic reforms and it opened-up avenues to the cable
television. In this regard, TRAI regulated that the broadcasters are restricted to broadcast the advertisements on their channels
to a maximum of 12 minutes in any given clock hour. However, the advertisements exceed the prescribed time limit, that is
devastating the quality-viewing time. The study reveals that people in India will lose on an average 1.4 years over the span of their
life time by the incursion of TV advertisements.
Keywords: TV Advertisements, TV Commercial Time, Viewer’s Quality Time, Devastation of Time, Loss of Life
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