Internet Advertising: Perceptions of the Users
Published: 2019
Author(s) Name: Mukhabbat Djalilbekovna Davranova |
Author(s) Affiliation: Osmania Art College, Journalism and Mass Communication, Osmania Univ., Hyderabad, Telangana
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The tremendous growth of global network, Internet penetration, created an undeniably profitable avenue for marketers and business
owners to get reduced cost and high advertising revenue. A large number of advertisements were published by marketers on its
way today, followed by negative effects on users. This research studies today’s Internet advertisements and negative effects of
online advertisements on Web users. The paper aims to analyse online factors influencing users’ perception and attitude towards
advertising on the Internet. The online survey was conducted among 150 active Internet users from public universities in India.
The findings reveal the dramatical growth of online advertisements over the past 4–5 years. Most of the respondents find online
advertisements distractive/intrusive, confirming that almost all privacy issues on the Internet and social sites are due to Internet
advertising. Also, the study establishes that the attitude of users towards Internet advertisements is non-positive, especially popups,
video ads and retargeted advertisements are the most disturbing ones among online advertisements. The research concluded
that the overall perception of Internet users about online advertisements is neutral, suggesting that it should be improved.
Keywords: Internet Advertising, Negative Effects, Attitude Towards Advertising, Disturbance, Retargeted Ads
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