Role of Personality in Response to Fear Appeal Advertisements on Oral Hygiene
Published: 2015
Author(s) Name: S. Ajit, V. Joseph Paul Raj |
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In this world of extremely fragmented markets, there is a need to recognize the importance of understanding customers to achieve effectiveness of marketing activities. It is logical that different people have different and unique responses for different types of
advertisements according to their characteristics and they may react most positively when exposed to advertisements that match their personality. Fear appeal ads, as a tactic of persuasion, influence such attitudes and behavior of customers. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether different personality traits influence the responses to fear appeal advertisements. The present study uses five individual differences personality variables like openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeability, and neuroticism/stability to study the responses to fear appeal advertisements on oral hygiene. The results show that there is a significant relationship between agreeableness, extraversion and seriousness towards gingivitis and bad breath whereas there is a significant relationship between openness and seriousness towards tooth decay.
Keywords: Fear Appeal, Personality, Oral Care
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